Robert J. Mather
- Practicing Attorney, since 1975
- Residential and Commercial Real Estate
- Subdivision Control Law
- Zoning Issues
- Condominium Formation and Documentation
- Massachusetts, 1975
- Suffolk University Law School, Boston, Massachusetts, 1975
- Juris Doctorate
State University of New York at Oswego, 1970,
Bachelor of Arts
- Bridgewater
Savings Bank
- Rockland Trust Company
- Plymouth
County Teacher's Federal Credit Union
- Harbor One Credit Union
- Bartlett Investments Limited
- Bay Colony Investment and Development,
- South Shore Developers, Inc.
- Mashpee
Wampanoag Tribe
- Massachusetts Bar Association
- Member
- Plymouth County Bar Association
- Member
- Massachusetts Conveyancer's Association
- Member
- Bridgewater Savings Bank
- Corporator
- Old Colony YMCA
- Fundraising Chairman
- Town of Middleboro, 1976 - 1986
- Chairman of Zoning Board of Appeals
- LeBaron
Hills Country Club
- Executive Committee Member
- Middleboro
Babe Ruth League, 1996 - 1999
- President
- Middleboro
Bolts Semi-Pro Baseball Club, 1995 - 2000
- Owner and General Manager